Price & Fees


Hong Kong Tailormade Company (e-Incorporation)

The below fees are exclusive offers for professional corporate clients who are CPA firms, Law Firms, or TCSPs who signed the CDD agreements. The below fees are subject to change without further notice.  An additional fee will be charged for a very complex organizational structure.


Payment term: Payment in advance/C.O.D.


Hong Kong Tailormade Company (e-Incorporation)

Hong Kong Tailormade Company


e-Incorporation with a Specific Name

Register the Company Name of your choice.  GRL acts as the founder member, first director, and company secretary like a shelf company.

HKD2700 + BR Fee


e-Incorporation with a Specific Name and COMSEC

Register the Company Name and Company Secretary of your choice. GRL acts as the founder member and first director.

HKD2900 + BR Fee

e-Incorporation (All Your Choice)

Register the Company Name, founder member, first director, and Company Secretary of your choice.

Register -1- individual user account

Additional Users available by quotation

HKD4700 + BR Fee