About Us

Self Photos / Files - New_Project_-_2024-07-19T175825.942Gateway Registrations Limited (GRL) is a leading and trusted supplier of Hong Kong shelf companies, catering to the Hong Kong market for over 27 years. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our belief that “Good names go fast! Good service keeps partners!”.


We have established ourselves as the best corporate partner for renowned CPA firms, Solicitor firms, and Accounting and Secretarial Consultant firms. At GRL, we constantly strive to identify the best opportunities and services for our clients. We have a track record of pioneering initiatives, such as being the first supplier to offer Chinese translated, setting up the data names website, companylist.com.hk for convenient hyperlinking and downloads, and introducing free filing services.


These value-added services, coupled with our extensive knowledge and unwavering dedication, have consistently delivered total satisfaction to our loyal professional clients.


As an honor of your support, we were awarded by the Companies R egistry as “TOP CUSTOMER” in both 2008 and 2013 consecutively. We sincerely thank you for all our supporters and we promise to continue to strive better toward our belief.