British Virgin Islands

General Information
The British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) are a group of 40 islands located in the Caribbean 60 sea miles east of the Island of Puerto Rico and easily accessible by airplane. The BVI is a British Overseas territory has had an excellent reputation of political stability. The resident population is approximately 19,000 of which the majority lives in Tortola and enjoys a tropical climate. The business environment of the BVI is favorable with excellent communication system worldwide, nearly 100% literacy rate and English as the main language.

Highlights of BVI Company
Company Law Business Companies Act, 2004
Type of Company Business Company (BC)
Taxation of foreign profits Nil
Exchange controls None
Length of time to incorporate 1-3 days
Shelf companies available Yes
Length of time for name search 1 day
Minimum number of shareholders One, corporate shareholder permitted
Minimum number of directors One, corporate director permitted
Company secretary Optional
Bearer shares permitted Yes (Restricted)
Qualified Registered office /Agent Yes /Yes
Government register of shareholders Optional
Government register of directors/officers Optional
Government register of charges Optional
Requirement to file Annual Returns No
Requirement to file Annual Audited Accounts No

Why people choose BVI company?
1.  High popularity and well known in Hong Kong.
2.  High level of confidentiality as no public filing requirement.
3.  No exchange controls.
4.  One-man control and no nationality restriction.
5.  Hong Kong registered office not required.
6.  Company secretary not required.
7.  High popularity as a holding company for property, trademark and shares.